About Savvas Trichas

Dr Trichas is a powerful keynote speaker who combines cutting edge research with instruction creating motivational moments with practical value. He is a 3-times TEDx speaker (Las Vegas/USA, Lausanne/Switzerland, Athens/Greece) and has collaborated with several prestigious universities and organizations such as Stanford University, the University of Durham, the Ministry of Education and Culture, The Million Dollar Round Table, and the Association of Cyprus Banks. 

He is also associated with the FBI National Academy Associates Cyprus Police where he serves as a guest lecturer under the topics of management, communication, and deception detection. 

In addition, Savvas Trichas is a PhD holder in Human Resources Management and Marketing. He is a contributor in Harvard Business Review (HBR) and he reviews manuscripts for international high-impact scientific journals related with leadership and organizational behavior such as The Leadership Quarterly. His research interests focus in a specific nonverbal area, facial expressions with his scientific publications ranking globally #1 and #2 in Google Scholar under the terms “leadership” and “facial expression”. To be able to do so, he had to study the human face in depth. Consequently, he became an official certified coder in the facial action coding system (FACS). FACS is a highly valid, widely used tool that combines anatomy with photo or video analysis observation to define exact facial muscle movement and intensity (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager, 2002; Trichas, 2015). 

Finally, when he’s not on stage, Savvas is on TV analyzing important concepts of his expertise such as body language, leadership, lie detection and psychology of communication.

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Savvas Trichas

Sought-After Best-Selling Author and Speaker Savvas Trichas is an expert and lecturer on verbal and written communication as well as negotiation and human resource management. Savvas is a three times TEDX speaker and has spoken in 19 countries so far.

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For keynote speaking and media requests please contact:
Maria PapacostaT.: +44 3300 272320T.: +30 6942422365

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