Dr Trichas is a powerful keynote speaker who combines cutting edge research with instruction creating motivational moments with practical value.


Dr Trichas loves to tailor his message about change through his workshops to impact the specific challenges and opportunities facing respective organizations and individuals.


Changes that go deep need customized research. Dr Trichas and his team can construct a research-based plan to significantly control and measure the outcomes of the intervention. Transformation is key but knowing exactly how you have changed is vital.

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Savvas Trichas

Sought-After Best-Selling Author and Speaker Savvas Trichas is an expert and lecturer on verbal and written communication as well as negotiation and human resource management. Savvas is a three times TEDX speaker and has spoken in 19 countries so far.

Contact us

For keynote speaking and media requests please contact:
Maria PapacostaT.: +44 3300 272320T.: +30 6942422365

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